Baby Boomers – Look to the Future

We Baby Boomers must look forward to the future in anticipation of a good life like we did when we were younger. There are many good things to come for all of us. We have seen great things in our lives and there is no reason to think that we will not see more.

Life certainly has its problems but that has happened to every generation in history. My guess is that every group throughout time has assumed that its problems were the worst ever. Wouldn’t you agree? So, the challenge is to accept the fact that problems will never go away entirely and then get on with our lives. We must not live in fear. What good does that do?

This life is still an adventure to be lived fully and thoroughly. There are no practice runs in our adventure so we must milk this entire episode for all we can.

As Bobby McFerrin said “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” Many parts of life in America get better and better as time marches on. We are an industrious nation and we create a better mouse trap every day here in the United States. You and I are going to continue to enjoy these improvements all the way up until the day we say “check please.”

Baby Boomers have participated in many new things over the last 50 years (some not so good). So, we are not afraid to try the latest and the greatest. Actually, we are the largest purchasing segment of society so entrepreneurs will be hitting us constantly with new ideas. Sounds like fun to me.

But you know what? The best part of the future is still those things we love today. Time with our children, our grandchildren, our friends and family members. We can spend much time on our hobbies, on traveling, on doing many of the things we could not do when were younger.

Enjoy this life. God wants us to get the most out of it that we can.

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