Everyone hates cellulite. After all, it is ugly and embarrassing. Though most of people can identify what cellulite is, the main problem is that not many individuals have a clear idea of what cellulite actually is. Cellulite is in fact the fat that obtrudes out of the underlying layers of the skin into the external stratum of skin or the dermis. One of the prime things that cellulite does is that it gives the skin a dimpled look, almost like the peel of an orange. This condition of the skin is sometimes also referred to as the cottage cheese look. Some of the most common areas where cellulite occurs are the thighs, the rear ends and the lower legs. These are some of the common places but cellulite can commonly occur in any place in the body.
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Astonishingly, there is very little that modern science knows about the factors that result in cellulite. The minimum that is known is that from 85% to 98% of women has cellulite on some part of their body for sure. So what that means is in opposition to popular belief, cellulite is not to be found only in obese people, hence it has no connection with being over weight. Scientific studies have revealed that cellulite is more common in women than in men, which is why a lot of the medical professionals are of view that cellulite is a hormonal syndrome and hormonal component by origin. Some of the established theories in this context posit that cellulite can also have as connection to one’s diet. For example, individuals who consume large amounts of tans-fatty foods like white bread, pasta, and foods commonly heavy with white flour are likely to have cellulite. However, this is not a proven fact and is just a suspicion.
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