One of the greatest challenges in facilitating aid strategies and projects is consistently engaging with key stakeholders and their team members in a timely constructive way. Most methods and tools focus on the needs of project teams and higher level governance, with limited engagement with and help to the people actually doing the project work.
While the benefits of portfolio and project management methods and tools are not disputed, they employ a centralized management paradigm that limits their use to core managers. A distributed management method and tools are required to involve all key stakeholders and their team members.
For a strategy or project to be implemented and adopted, key stakeholders need to know what is happening and what they need to do in close to real-time. They also need the capability of the distributed management method and tools to productively involve their team’s members (i.e. the people actually doing the work).
To gain value for money and effort, key stakeholders and their team members need to be constructively and consistently engaged. TASKey has developed web and mobile software that makes this easy, with minimal training.
TASKey’s distributed management solution uses a simple one page plan template that has been used by over 10,000 people in 175 countries. Filling in the template individually or as a team takes just minutes and keeps stakeholders focused on what needs to be done, when and by whom.
Big plans can be created by using a tree structure to logically join one page plans together. So by completing all the one page plans in the tree, the big plan’s goal is achieved.
Read more on Driving Aid Strategies and Projects…