Branding and Corporate Identity

When it comes to business, one of the most essential marketing components of a business is the brand. For many, it’s a visual representation of a product or service of a business. But a brand consists of more than just visual elements such as a brand name, brand logo or image, and product symbols. A brand also includes all the information and expectations that directly relate to the products and services of the business which is evoked in the minds of the buying public as well as those that are directly and indirectly involved in the business. So these people may be the employees of the company, those in the distribution and in the supply chain, and the end users of the product or service.

A brand is a proprietary visual, plus its emotional and has cultural symbolism of the product or the business itself. Basically, it is meant to make the people recall or recognize the product and service through the brand name or logo design in order for them to easily select the kind of product they want to buy. Moreover, it helps improve the value of the product through an increasing satisfaction from the buyers.

Branding is the term used to pertain to the marketing strategy used by companies with a goal of gaining response from a selected target market through a general impression of the product and positive reinforcement. The main purpose of this traditional advertising scheme is to acquire more and more interested customers as well as to increase product awareness and a reputable company name.

A visual or physical representation of the brand is what we call corporate identity. A business must have a corporate identity through a logo, sometimes called a logotype or a logogram, along with other supporting elements that are created from a set of instruction s or guidelines. Visual elements such as typefaces, page layouts, color palettes and all other forms of physical manifestations of a certain brand are created based on these set of guidelines. A company or a business is recognized by its corporate identity, from the type of vehicle used, offices, letterheads, employee uniforms to advertising programs, with uniformity in how these elements are applied and used.

While a company is recognized by its corporate identity or logo, its success is built by the emotions or connections the brand has with its prospects and customers. This type of relationship is a combination of advertising, marketing, customer service, and much more. For every way that a brand intersects with potential or current customers, it’s a branding opportunity.

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