Cure Yeast Infection Naturally

If you’re looking for help on how to cure yeast infection naturally at home, then you’ve come to the right place. Here, you’ll get 7 tips on how to use natural home remedies to cure your yeast infection fast and safely.

Before we begin to consider just how to cure your yeast infection naturally and at home, it would be better to very quickly go over the symptoms and causes first…


Depending on the location of your infection, the symptoms are things like; redness, swelling, severe itching, unusual whitish discharge, difficulty having sex, painful urination, white / cream raised spots on tongue and mucous membranes, burning sensation in mouth, difficulty in swallowing, skin rashes, etc.


A natural fungus called Candida Albicans causes the actual symptoms. This is usually kept in check by your body’s friendly bacteria, but when they are compromised, the fungus can overgrow into a yeast infection.

The problem usually occurs when there are underlying conditions present such as; antibiotics overuse, steroid overuse (e.g. inhalers), poor diet, pregnancy, menstruation, lowered immune system, drug habit, HIV, severe stress, etc. These, and more, can help to adversely affect your good bacteria and help fungal growth. They have to be taken into account when considering a proper cure for your infection.


These take the form of things like, pessaries, creams, lotions, sprays, oral suspensions, lozenges, etc., depending on where the yeast infection is located. And these can normally work quite well between 3 days to a week or two, depending on how bad the infection actually is.

But what many victims are finding is that, because they are drug-based, they can have some nasty side effects, and, if used regularly, the fungus can build-up a resistance to the drugs, rendering them ineffective as a potential cure.

The other important issue with them is that they are designed to address the local symptoms, which they can do quite well as was said earlier. But, they don’t address the root cause(s) that actually help to trigger your infection. Which could be why many sufferers have recurring / chronic yeast infection that is destroying their health.


There is a natural approach that many more yeast infection sufferers are turning to. Because this uses a totally holistic, end-to-end approach, it is very effective, fast and safer. And it’s a two-pronged approach; eliminate the symptoms of your current infection, plus, take appropriate steps to ensure that it doesn’t reoccur.

For your present infection you can use things like garlic, yogurt and apple cider vinegar; three of the most popular and effective home remedies in use today…

  • Mash peeled garlic into a paste and apply over the area for around 20 minutes. For vaginal yeast infection, wrap a peeled garlic clove in muslin or similar and use like a tampon overnight.
  • Apply plain, unsweetened, flavor-free, yogurt over the affected area, again, for about 20 minutes or so. Or, coat it over a tampon and leave in overnight if you have vaginal yeast infection.
  • Use raw, un-distilled, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as a douche. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to 2 quarts of warm water and use a cotton pad. Or, add 2 cups of cider to a low, warm bath and bathe for about 30 minutes.
  • These are just three of the many home remedies out there. You’re best to discover as many as you can to find which works best for you. But, in addition, you must consider the underlying issues discussed earlier when aiming for a permanent cure. For example…

  • Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear to help keep yourself as dry as possible, since the yeast fungus loves moist, warm conditions. Avoid tight, man-made fiber undergarments.
  • Reduce, or better still, avoid sugar in your drinks and diet. Sugar will only feed the Candida fungus. For example, avoid sugar, sugary drinks, fruit, processed foods and alcohol, etc.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, consult your doctor to see if they can change it for another, perhaps less broad-spectrum antibiotic, that won’t kill-off your good bacteria.
  • While with the infection, avoid sexual intercourse. Although this can’t actually ’cause’ yeast infection, it can transfer it backwards and forwards between you and your partner.
  • If you follow the above you’ll have made a good start, but, there is much more to learn and implement; we just don’t have the time here. Information is the key to an effective cure, so research and learn as much as you can.

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