Can I Have Hypoglycemia Without Diabetes?
A question I was asked recently is can I have hypoglycemia without diabetes? It’s an interesting question and the answer is yes. But more importantly is why. As diabetes continues to become more and more of a problem in our modern world, it’s very important to catch the early warning signals. But before we continue, let’s first make sure we have our terms straight. Hypoglycemia is a state of low blood sugar, generally from an overproduction of insulin, or else a poor diet. Hyperglycemia is a state of high blood sugar, generally due to a lack of insulin. Diabetes, on the other hand, is a persistent medical ailment of the body’s underproduction or lack of insulin, or of a cell’s inability to correctly process the insulin. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are terms that are usually associated with diabetes because they all three have to do with blood sugar. The difference between the three is that diabetes is a persistent medical condition, whereas hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia may come and go.