How Manuka Honey Can Improve The Look And Feel Of Your Skin
You may be surprised to find that one of the best skincare ingredients is honey. Honey has a number of properties that make it able to correct a number of skin issues. However there is one type of honey in particular that has shown superior benefits for both health and beauty. Manuka honey is now being used in a number of effective, high-end beauty and skincare products.
Manuka honey is produced by bees and is a mono floral honey in that pollen from only one type of flower will be used to make it. It has many of the same antibiotic, moisturizing and antioxidant properties that regular honey has but because it is very pure these properties are present in a much higher concentration than it is in other types of honey.
If you have a skin condition such as acne, manuka honey can help to treat your blemishes. This is because pimples are partially caused by bacteria in the skin. Manuka honey has antibacterial properties that will kill these bacteria and can help to clear up the skin. Because it also has moisturizing qualities it will not cause the same drying action that some chemically based acne products can cause. This can be fantastic for anyone who is dealing with acne and dry skin at the same time.
In fact, manuka honey is so excellent at killing off bacteria that it is often placed directly on cuts in order to treat them. Unlike other types of honey, manuka honey contains hydrogen peroxide in very small amounts. This will further help to kill off bacteria and, because it works by drying out bacteria instead of using antibiotics to kill them off, bacteria cannot become resistant to it.
If you want to heal your skin of any damage caused by exposure to the sun you may want to use manuka honey to do so. It is full of antioxidants that can heal damaged skin cells and make your skin look healthier and more radiant. Antioxidants heal damage that is caused by free radicals. If cells are exposed to UV radiation compounds known as free radicals can form. These steal electrons from the surrounding cells and destabilize them. If this damage is not corrected it can cause cells to grow out of control and form tumors that can become cancerous. Even if the circumstances are less serious sun damage can still age your skin and make it look tired and dull.
You can choose to take manuka honey by eating it or to use skincare products that contain this wonderful ingredient. Your skin will look better and you may end up feeling better as well.