How to Stop Worrying?

Everyone’s life is a challenge. Every obstacle or an unexpected event makes us to worry. To worry about challenges in life to some extent is unavoidable and is also normal. But when the control shifts and worries take over, things are not healthy. One who worries ruins his/her health and this may be a serious issue if this prolongs. Further, worries are useless and they do nothing for your problems or challenges. It is your will power and strong heart that will fix everything. But somehow worries have become integral part of our lives and we can not stay away from them. Excessive worries transform into stress. So here are some tips to help you stop worrying.

Be thankful:

Make a list of the nice things you have in life and be thankful for those. Be contented with that you have. This will help you to feel relieved at the time of worrying. This also eliminates the cause of worry. If you are happy with what you have you most probably won’t worry about what you don’t have.

Stop thinking:

Worries are a result of thoughts. If something gets into your head and you keep on thinking of that, then this transforms to worry. When the thought of worry sprouts in your head, say to yourself to stop. Stop thinking. Leave your head blank for a while. This will help you to eliminate worry for that moment. But if you have this as a practice, then you can eliminate worry all together eventually.

Write down:

Again, write down. This time not the nice things but your worries. For each worry think of a fix and write it down against it. Take care of one item at a time and think of a solution for each. If you can not find a solution to an issue, then analyze it and write down a short report noting down the pros, cons and expectations, so that you can be prepared to face whatever comes along.

Divert focus and Relax:

Take lots of time to relax. Sometimes work pressure causes unwanted worries. These kind of worries have no cause and reason and they can be easily handled upon relaxing. Take a walk, or workout or do some sort of breathing exercise. Divert your focus from the cause of the worry and use your energy in something else productive, creative or funny. Clean the house, play with your kid, read a comic and so on.


Increase your social activity. This helps you to shift the focus and relax. Moreover you can use help from your friends. Vent your worries, share and get suggestions. If not, at least your friends will make you laugh and help you to feel relieved from stress. You can also seek the help of members of family if appropriate.

Don’t take things personally:

Certain worries have no reasonable cause because you have taken something seriously for no reason. A general comment, taken personally can cause an unwanted worry. So analyze what the your boss, your partner or your friend means by saying a thing, before taking it personally. Also do respect other’s opinion.

Be confident, trust yourself and develop a positive attitude in life. Tell to yourself that you are in control of everything that happens in your life, that you are the boss of your life. You should be fine.

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