Raising A Troubled Teenager

Are you tired of all the yelling and talking back? Do you feel like pulling your hair out or worse yet, Giving Up? Well all parents of a teenager have been there. I had six teenagers all at one time in my house. So, along the way I learned a few tricks that I would like to share with you to help you cope.

I think we have all said at one time or another “I’ve tried everything with this kid, but nothing seems to work”. The problem with this statement is that you probablly have NOT tried everything, and some things that yoju have tried you didn’t stick with long enough. You see, we always try something new someone suggests, but if it doesn’t work after the first couple times we used it we thought it was a failure. (this was my biggest problem.) So we don’t give it enough time to see the changes start to take affect. Nothiing is ever fast enough to stop the behavior, or so we think. But some of those ideas will work if you stick with them.

There are some cut to the chase strategies that work immediately or close to it. You can find most of these strategies all over the net. It starts with problem solving.The two most important things your teen needs to learn are accountability and consequences for their actions. NEVER give in on these, and ALWAYS follow through no matter what. Make sure your using positive parenting skills and not the old-fashioned way of parenting. Old-fashioned parenting and modern day teenagers DO NOT mix.

You can learn some positive parenting skills and get tons of support online from the link in bio. A few great parenting skills I used during my children’s teenage years were, to chose my battles carefully and make sure the punishment fits the crime. For example, my seventeen year old came home drunk one night. So to make sure he understood the consequences of this, at six a.m., I went next to his head and blew a whistle saying “Time to get up buddy. We are helping grandma move today. Rise and Shine.” The whole time I was blowing the whistle and letting the throbbing in his head intensify a hundred times over. Be inventive but make sure it fits the unwanted behavior.

There are so many guaranteed tricks and strategies you can learn so you can keep your sanity and your hair. You can get loads of support at any time by looking at the links in the bio so make sure you use these new found tips. You will not even recognize tour own household and you’ll have back your piece of mind.

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