An Organic Dog Food Diet

Still skeptical about the benefits of an organic dog food diet? Think they cost too much? Maybe I can change your mind. Everyone knows about the dangers of pesticides, artificial hormones,preservatives, allergens and the sometimes toxic substances used in processing “people” food. These elements are just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to pet food. There is just not enough room in this article to go into all the abuses that may be packed into a sack of the cheap stuff. I’ll just stick to the benefits of feeding your pal healthy, organic dog food coupled with lot’s of exercise:

  • Your dog will live longer.
  • There is enough research to make this statement an unequivocal fact. Just search for studies on aging and nutrition in dogs. Try to stick sites, as they are educational institutions with no agenda. An organic dog food diet has the ingredients to bolster your dogs immune system. Unless other genetic factors are present, cheap,inferior foods and lack of exercise are probably the keys to premature death in dogs. An organic diet, rich in several types of meat, can help prolong your dogs life and enhance the quality time you spend together.

  • Reduce Skin Conditions and Allergies.
  • You’ve tried special shampoos, powders, dips and grooming aids. Nothing seems to give your dog relief. You’ve even tried premium brands recommended by your vet. Why isn’t any of this working? For the most part, it’s probably your current food. An organic dog food diet is free of artificial coloring, chemicals, flavor enhancers and the pesticides contained in regular commercial wheat, oats, corn and rice. It’s your dogs best natural protection from things in many pet foods that cause allergies in dogs.

  • More Vitality and Better Weight Control.
  • Roly poly puppies are cute, but fat dogs are seriously in danger of diabetes, organ failure, back problems and hip dysplasia. Some dogs have a natural disposition to these health problems, whether they’re overweight or not. But the majority could benefit greatly from an organic dog food diet.

    Just like us humans, chubby dogs don’t have the energy to play and romp around getting good exercise. How would a change to organic benefit your dogs weight control? It’s really pretty simple. The far superior nutrition of organic food means your dog will probably eat less.
    Health articles online
    Of course, if he’s like my pal, he will eat until either he explodes or the food is put away. However, there aren’t the high levels of bulk fillers found in non-organic dog food, so he only needs to eat enough to maintain a healthy energy level. Nutrient dense organic dog foods can help satisfy your dogs appetite. Even if you don’t free-feed, and only dole out the portions necessary, with some good exercise, your buddy will lose the weight he needs to on an organic dog food diet.

  • Reduces Digestion Problems and Passing Gas
  • Organic dog foods contain superior sources of grains and proteins. The lack of artificial and chemical substances, corn or other bulk fillers help produce a much more digestible meal. It also helps with diarrhea, bloating and those smelly gas episodes that drive you nuts…especially when you have company.

    I hope you decide to spend a few more bucks on organics. Don’t get confused with non-organic “premium” dog foods. These premiums foods are a great step up from the cheap stuff that hurt your dogs health. However, they still don’t have the iron clad nutritional value of an organic dog food diet.

    Do the right thing for you and your dogs. You’ll never regret the time you have together!

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