Black Koi Are Really ‘The Living Jewelry’

Black Koi fish are famous mainly because of their color. There are several other features which make them awesome and interesting.

  • 1. Japanese people describe Black Koi as ‘the Living jewelry’ or ‘the swimming flower’ because of their attractive shape and graceful swimming.
  • 2. They can live for up to 30 years in aquariums with proper care. So they have a long life. Many people think that this is a plus point for keeping them.
  • 3. You can easily identify the male and female Black Koi. The male will have a concave anus and it may show spots on its head, which are known as breeding sports.
  • 4. They can change their color depending on the seasons and the temperature of water as well as their food. Black Koi can become white! As the temperature and the surroundings change, they can again come back to their original color.
  • 5. There is one variety of Black Koi called the ‘dragon fish’. The shape of their body resembles with the old Japanese drawings of dragons. Many people believe that they actually replicate the images of dragons in the clouds!
  • 6. There is one more variety of Black Koi fish called the ‘Karasu’. The color of its body is black but its stomach is white or orange. This is also a very popular variety among fish keepers.
  • 7. They require huge space for swimming around as they can grow up to 3 feet. They grow at a very fast rate of 1 inch per month. The weight of a fully grown fish is around 20 pounds. The normal size of a pond for them should be at least 1000 gallons. As they are fond of roots of the plants, they can dig the plants in the pond easily. You should add rocks at the base of the plants for protection.
  • 8. The color of a Black Koi fish variety ‘Mogai’ is bronze but when you see them from the top the aquarium they look black.
  • 9. Summer is their breeding season. They can produce up to 1200 eggs of at the time. The young ones will not be as colorful as the adults but they will gain their color within a week.
  • 10. If you go to the market for buying them, you will find them expensive. Black Koi of 12 inches will be around $125. The very expensive variety can be up to $250,000. This high prize is also due to the belief of many people that they bring good luck and unlimited fortune.
  • 11. Basically they are cold-water fish. They can sustain in ponds even in the winter, so you need not shift them inside your house during winter times. It’s a very convenient feature for any fish-keeper.
  • 12. They are not aggressive and can live happily with other species of fish.
  • 13. As Japan is considered to be the best place for their breeding, most of the Black Koi is imported from there. Experienced fish-keepers always insist that they should get a genuine Japanese Black Koi.
  • 14. They are intelligent as they can recognize their owner. They can be fed with hands as they will come to the surface when you approach the pond.
  • 15. They are very easy to keep as their requirements of food as well as conditions of water for their living are not complicated. So if you are prepared to spend a small part of your leisure time on them, you can enjoy their presence at your home.
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