Freelancer Online Jobs Marketplace
To find an online job as a freelancer you have to know where to look, you have to know how to present yourself and you have to know what to expect. First things first, finding online jobs is not hard, the way we do business has changed a lot and online industry is blooming, there are plenty of online jobs marketplaces. But the question is where, which site, because there are still scam site out there. How, what you need to do to land an online job. What next, what to do after you land a few jobs. Let’s answer these questions.
The first question is easy to answer, where to find an online job? Online jobs marketplaces are everywhere, you have the revolutionizing oDesk, elite Elance, fuzzy but still grand Freelancer, lowdown Scriptlance and LimeExhange. These are the most known ones and the ones I used to find freelancers. In my experience oDesk and Elance have the best freelancers in the world, but you can find new freelancers learning the ropes at and other online jobs marketplaces. If you are a freelancer, then I would suggest creating a profile on each of these website to maximize your chances of finding an online job.
To land an online job you need to create an appealing profile. Create a good portfolio; add your previous work and your previous work experience. Write about your goals and motives, what people can expect to get if they hire you, make your profile speak for itself. Once you do that apply for jobs, create an appealing letter that has confidence but not too much, you don’t want to overdo it. And always watch for your grammar, I have seen some bad job applications in the past few years.
You have a few projects, few scores and recommendations by your previous employers, so what now. Now is the time when you actually profit from your freelancing. Build up your rate with each new project; go for the long term projects as soon as you get the chance. Think ahead, don’t live day after day or week after week, think a few months ahead. What you want to accomplish and how are you going to accomplish that. To make it as a freelancer doing online jobs you need to plan ahead or your freelancing career will be a short one and not so profitable.
These are just a few basic tips on how to succeed as a freelancer. Finding a good online jobs marketplace is essential, but knowing what to do and following your goals is the way to success.