My Discovery of the Summer

I’ve never eaten radishes – and therefore I have never grown them and my family have never been served them at home. However, this year I had a free packet of seeds so thought I might as well grow them and in just over a month, I now have a bumper crop. Other than lettuce, they are the first crops ready for picking and we have loads so I decided that we would eat them – even if I didn’t like them. And to be honest – I couldn’t even remember what they tasted like or when I had last tried them so you can imagine my surprise when I discovered I loved them!

And so I decided to do more research on this humble vegetable and discovered that it is one of the mustard family but also related to the Brassicaceae family (along with things like broccoli and cabbage). This family of vegetable are known for their anticarcinogenic properties which means they contain chemicals that can reduce the occurrence of cancer so a great reason to include them in the diet. On top of this, despite being made up of 90% water, they contain as much potassium as bananas and are a great source of Vitamin C, folates and magnesium. They are also very low in calories so great as a snack for those watching their waistlines!

They are very easy to grow and many varieties are ready to eat in a month or less so great for new gardeners or children who want to see quick results. They don’t need much room and so can be grown in containers if you are short of space or between other slow growing crops. Just get some seeds and grow a few every few weeks to ensure a good supply throughout the summer. The most popular way to eat them is as part of a salad as they add colour, a bit of bite and the peppery taste adds great flavour.

All you need to do is top and tail them wash them and slice them however you like. They can also be chopped and added to stir-fries or roasted with other vegetables. You won’t often get cookery tips from me but have discovered this wonder food, I had to share this with you. I’m sure many of you have been enjoying them regularly all your lives but if like me, you have missed out on this treat then go on, give it a try!

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