Don’t Become A Victim Of Date Rape
Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes according to the U.S. Dept. Of Justice. Consider these statistics:
1 in 4 women are victims of rape or attempted rape
84% of these know their attacker
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57% of the rapes happen while on dates
42% of the victims told no one
75% of the men and 55% of the women involved in date rape had been drinking or taking drugs before the attack occurred.
Date rape, more than any other type of rape seems to be the most prevalent and on the rise here in the U.S. There are a number of reasons why, but more than any thing it is a crime of convenience. The rapist knows that he has an accessible victim that can be taken advantage of when he deems the time is right. This so called “Right Time” is usually after plying his date with excessive alcohol, drugs or when he finds himself totally alone with the victim. Lets take a look at the best steps you can take to truly minimize this from ever happening to you.
First, absolutely limit the amount of alcohol you consume during a date. The truth is, 90% of rape cases occur when the victim is drunk. Your mental clarity and physical agility is severely compromised when you are drunk. Your ability to ward off any attack by a rapist is lessened when your in a clouded state. Make certain that if you do drink on a date your drink is either opened by you or you should watch carefully as the bartender prepares your drink. This is most important because date rape drugs can easily find a way into your drink when your not being watchful, so in essence, never leave your drink in the hands of someone else or unattended by you.
If possible, when going on a date, try to make it a double or group date. The possibility of date rape occurring is significantly reduced when there are more people around you.
The most important factor in regards to date rape is the ride home, this is because 88% of date rapes happen on the way home. In lite of this information it would be wise to consider going home with a female friend to end the night or at least have your friend ride home with you from the date.
Last of all, in reality, women are not generally as physically strong as men, therefore, they can easily become overpowered by them. I think that a prudent step for all women would be to carry an equalizer in the form of personal protection with them at all times. Pepper Spray seems to be an effective choice for most women,USA Protection can help to get you started. Dating, as we all know, should be a time of romance and fun, most times it is just that, but of course there is nothing wrong with preparing ourselves for any eventuality.