Weapon to Fight Gout Pain

Dr. Ludwig Blau may not be a well known name but his name will remain famous to those suffering from gout pain. In the 1950, a letter published in Prevention Magazine explained how eating cherries lead to his ability to walk again. Dr. Blau’s gout pain was so severe that is confined him to a wheelchair and it wasn’t until has discovered the cherry cure that allowed him to rise from his wheeled prison.

According the Dr. Blau he was sitting in his wheelchair and he happened to be eating cherries and the following day the pain in his foot was gone. He continued to eat cherries on a daily basis and was able to eventually get out of his chair and walk. This simple research has helped countless others benefit from his accidental findings. In fact, a study of 12 gout suffering individuals eating one-half pound of cherries or drinking cherry juice actually prevent attacks of the gout.

Another study was conducted by the Agricultural Research Service that also demonstrated the ability of cherries in fighting and treating gout pain. According to Robert A. Jacobb, the lead researcher in the study “Our test is among the first to track anti-inflammatory effect of…cherries in a controlled experiment with healthy volunteers”. So the results of eating cherries and fighting gout is very promising.

In addition, another study analyzed tart cherry extracts in vitro to get a better understanding of the healing ability of this tiny red fruit. This test actually tested key inflammatory indicators in blood sample from healthy volunteers who were fed cherries. This was reported in the 2003 issue of Journal of Nutrition.

An experiment had ten female volunteers, aged 22 to 45 ate a bowlful of fresh, pitted Bing cherries for breakfast. The keep the study pure, the volunteers were asked not to eat any other fruits, vegetables, drink tea or consume red wine for a period of two days prior to eating the cherry breakfast. The reason for the ban on these other foods is because it is believe that these also have anti-inflammatory properties and could have compromised the study results.

The study focused on gout itself and the researchers studied the amount of urate that was removed from the body through the urine. The researchers took urine and blood samples before and after the consumption of the cherries. The urate levels decreased significantly over a 5 hour period after eating the cherry breakfast. This result strongly suggests cherries can play a vital role in fighting gout.

So with all of this good news about cherries and gout, where can you get cherries? While several sources of cherries exist here are the most reliable sources I have discovered. For fresh cherries, during the harvest month of July contact Hillman Farms. They are located in Michigan and will deliver the cherries directly to your door. For a more year round source of cherry products contact Traverse Bay Farms. They offer a full range of product including cherry juice, tart cherry capsules and even dried cherries. So the next time you are searching for a way to fight gout pain natural drink some cherry juice or eat cherries and you’ll notice the difference.

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